Modman Computer Myths & Commentary

COMPUTER MYTH: INTERNET EXPLORER IS LESS SECURE THAN OTHER BROWSERS: Not according to Symantec’s twice a year Internet Security Threat Report.   According to them, in 2009 the number of reported vunerabilities included Firefox having 169, Safari had 94, Explorer had 45 and Google Chrome had 41.  The US-CERT that hosts the National Venerability Database search over a recent 3 month period had 40 vunerabilities for Chrome, 20 for Firefox and 17 For Explorer.  Keep in mind that it’s more important that a vunerability be patched as fast as possible.  According to Symantic, the average correction time is less than one day for Explorer and Firefox, 2 days for Chrome and 13 days for Safari.  Are you reading Apple fans?  COMMENTARY: Go Phillies!  Roy Halladay no hits the Reds.  They have the best 1-2-3 pitchers in any league. Why would anyone in this country watch that new show Outsourced?  How can any show be funny where the format is a bunch of people working in India that have taken jobs from people in the United States?  What’s the next comedy series?  911?  And how bad is the Republican party that a person like Sarah Palin could have been VP and Christine O’Donnel  could be elected a state senator?  I am so tired of political commericals.  Pro wrestling has more accurate and truthful advertising than these political ads. How about that dad in Florida that got on his daughter’s school bus and yelled at the kids bullying his daughter?  Doesn’t that dad realize that it’s going to be worse for his daughter? Anyone notice that gas prices are creeping up again?  And they’re cutting back NASA.  They need the money for another queen Obama vacation. The little racoon now follows me everywhere until I feed him.  I guess he’s got me trained.  QUESTION: If you’re stuck on an Island and you had to pick one TV comedy and one TV drama series to watch, what would you pick?

by Ken

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