MacBook Pro Model A1286 i7 notebook

$399.99 $299.99

MacBook Pro A1286 specifications include Intel Core i7 processor at 2.6 Ghz, 8 gig RAM, 1 Terabyte Hard drive, DVDRW, 15.4 in screen, wireless, OS 10.8.6, REFURBISHED 30 day warranty. PLEASE NOTE: Buyer must have Apple ID to setup on computer to ensure a smooth installation.

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MacBook Pro A1286 specifications include Intel Core i7 processor at 2.6 Ghz, 8 gig RAM, 1 Terabyte Hard drive, DVDRW, 15.4 in screen, wireless, OS 10.8.6, REFURBISHED 30 day warranty. PLEASE NOTE: Buyer must have Apple ID to setup on computer to ensure a smooth installation.


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