Bob’s Special Tip – Tablets are coming hooray!

Me and the guys have a tip for you.  Tablets are coming!  PC World estimates that there will be over 10 million tablet users by end of 2011.  By 2015 there will be over 83 million tablet users.  That’s a lot of tablets.  I wouldn’t run off to buy one right now, unless you’re an avid book reader.  I DON’T UNDERSTAND:  All this talk about radiation.  Why don’t we just put all this bad stuff in rocket ships and shoot it into space?  We can start becoming galaxy polluters, instead of just planetary pollutors.  My friend Jim watched the President last night and blogged this morning:  JIM’S BLOG

More on President Obama’s comments last evening have those in the center politically,  Republicans and of course conservatives completely startled that our policy now not for any regime change anywhere. We have a president who will be continuing his stance leading up to now, and now expressed for all time as a non regime change President.  This has international leaders completely confused.  Why is NATO doing what it is doing, why are American military troops being put in harms way in Libya?   Now that President Obama has stated regime change is not his goal, that leaves confusion, questions and uncertainty throughout the world. While Syria is now in total breakdown, again Obama will now say, with the government having removed the cabinet through local Syrian citizen action, that regime change is not in order?  This will mean missed opportunity in countless current and future problems.  International crisis will have to go elsewhere for leadership, and who will that be, who will assume the super power role, Russia with Putin, or China?  What will the Arab League see in their expanding international moves?  Good grief, we are flirting with terrible consequences. We can now say that President Obama is not providing any real leadership whatsoever. He is on some kind of self imposed vision which is now controlling United States policy globally. How much is George Soros controlling President Obama?  Is this Soros’s open society garbage now replacing reasonable United States policy? The Armed Services Committee of the House of Representatives are very upset with how the military is now being viewed and will be utilized in the future. American people on the left and right are now begining to become nervous with President Obama’s new policies. His international moves are very alarming, add to that his growing domestic failures, this man is becoming very unpopular. We need to rethink were Obama has taken us, and begin to consider the consequences.
Here is a quote from the article referenced below that follows what many are now saying this morning; 
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a former Republican presidential candidate, said Obama’s speech didn’t just fail to clarify the mission but “made things even murkier than they were before.”

“The president says our mission is to protect the people of Libya,” Giuliani said. “Well, how do you protect the people of Libya and not be for regime change in Libya? Isn’t the danger for the people of Libya Gadhafi?”

by Ken

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