Modman Commentary – How Obamacare will be paid for

Screw computer stuff.  I don’t care if I get fired.  I found out how Obamacare is going to be paid for.  It’s a joke.  I feel sorry for anyone that is going to spend money in 2012.  Anyone that spends over $600 is going to have to 1099 the seller.  So any small business that goes into Sears or Best Buy to purchase a TV is going to have to 1099 the store.  Isn’t this wonderful?  Of course the government will need more people to track this paperwork nightmare.  Read this:  “Selling household items on ebay, craigslist etc, well anything that sells for $600. or more will mean you must send a 1099 to the buyer.  This IRS tracking is from passage of the Obamacare Law. Yes the Obamacare law that you did not want imposes all kinds of new requirements for you as a citizen. You should get a copy of the Obamacare, all near 3,000 pages so you can comply.  If you don’t comply, you will be audited eventually, and wow, you are in for all kinds of trouble.  If you hire a painter, lawncare, petsitter, etc, you will have to keep track of all expenses to those vendors, and you probably should keep a set of accounting ledgers and income/expense sheets to prove your expenditures. Life is getting complicated, we no longer are considered a household, we are small business operations that must comply and report to our big brother, whether you want to or not.  Enjoy your new found complex life.”

by Ken

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