HopSings Computer Confucius & Obuma hurt trucking

Rello. HopSing got good deal for you.  You can play FREE GAMES on Facebook.  Facebook has free PC games you can play.  The most popular is Farmville (www.facebook.com/farmville).  Over 80 million users play.  Other popular ones are Bejeweled Blitz and Mafia Wars.   HopSing’s Funny– America economy so bad that truckload of Americans got caught sneeking into Mexico.  Mexican bandits rob American tourist and throw away the money and keep the purse.  Get better exchange rate. HopSing’s Governement update:Demo-rats spend money worse than HopSing’s ex-wife.  Delaware VA Hospital getting $2,000,o00 in stimulus funds TO PLANT TREES!  VA has no parking and people must park on lawn, but going to plant trees.  HopSing happy that his illegal immigrant friends have jobs.  HopSing wonder why fruits and vegetables cost so much now and find out.  Obuma changing transport system so cost more to get food to market.  This blog from Bob’s friend, Jim.

The push now by the Obama Team is based on ecology, not an economic rationale, and this means the EPA and environmentalists are deciding what happens in consumer goods transport, as well for industry wide goods and products deliveries.  If you don’t have a railroad siding at or near your place of business, you will pay extraordinary rates for truck deliveries.   Trucking companies are in a panic with where Obama’s team is going in both huge spending on rail priorities, the shift in intermodal priorities for trucking looks dismal.   Trucking companies are not able to continue with capital formation due to the priorities being shifted away from them, many are simply going out of business. Bankers see the hand writing on the wall and trucking is under attack by the Obama Administration. Rules and regulations impacting the trucking industry are making it very difficult to stay in business.  How will foods be delivered, how will interstate freight be handled without healthy trucking companies?  We may have a ecological wonderland populated with hungry humans. Hugo Chavez may have company soon in a food distribution nightmare world. The Obama Czars are at work.  The Obama administration is forming a national freight policy that can be boiled down to a single concept: Get more trucks off the roads. Moving a larger percentage of the intercity freight by water, and then rail, for as far as possible and shifting to trucks for the last few miles, will result in cleaner air, fuel savings and less highway congestion.  http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shift-in-intermodal-priorities-for-national-freight-policy-raises-concerns-for-trucking-reports-the-journal-of-commerce-89927952.html   HOPSING CONFUCIUS: Reality only thing in way of true happiness.

by Ken

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