Modman Computer Myths & Commentary

VIRUS MYTH 1: I”VE GOT AN UPDATED ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM ON MY COMPUTER, SO I WON”T GET INFECTED. FALSE.I hear people crying everyday because they believe that because they have an anti-virus program on their computer, they’re immune from viruses and spy-ware.  First off, half the time what they have on their computer is either out of date or expired.  Having an outdated virus removal program on your computer is like preparing for a test you’re going to take by only studying half the material.  You think you’ll miss some questions?  No one anti-virus program finds and removes everything.  My boss PCW makes us run 4-6 different virus and spy-ware removal programs any time we have a system virus problem.  COMMENTARY:  I see where Tom Bosley died.  You techie youngsters probably don’t remember Happy Days, but it was one of those time capsule shows for that time period.  A classic.  In the show, he was a entrepreneurial small businessman, a pillar of the community.  Nowadays, he’d be getting ready for 200 new tax laws in January by our small business friendly Obama Marxist government and figure out how he can cut staff so that he doesn’t have to provide mandatory health care for his employees when he doesn’t have it himself.  Happy Days done in 2010 would be called Sad Days and Mr. Cunningham would be either an unemployed stock broker on or a banker giving sweetheart loans to corrupt politicians and selling foreclosed homes.  The day after election day can’t come soon enough.  Voting is easy for me – Democratic president, I vote Republican congress and vice-versa.  THE KEY IS TO GOVERNMENT FROM DOING ANYTHING.  This country goes into the shitter every time one party gains control of all branches of congress.  Does anyone but me think that Keith Richards looks like Freddie Krueger?  A news report states that up to 1 in 3 people will get diabetes.  NEWS FLASH – EXERCISE AND DRINK WATER.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or college graduate to figure that out. Speaking of colleges: College was the time of my life – where else will your parents spend thousands of dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night.  I have a daughter that went to USC instead of UCLA, because that’s one more letter she’d have to remember.  The editorial staff says I’ve got to throw in a plug for that dumb poodle that finds the websites, so here

by Ken

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