LuLu’s Useful Website – How to recycle your cell phone

Arf, arf to you.  I have a useful website for you.  If you want to recycle your old cell phone, consult  You will get tips on how to recycle or sell your old tech gear.  WHO TO NEUTER THIS WEEK:  Who else but the normal neutering canditate: Obama.  My friend Jim writes:

As always with Obama, what is real is unreal, what is up is actually down, understanding becomes misunderstanding, nothing is what he says or indicates it is. In essence, he has no plan, refuses to put anything in writing pertaining to a soluton to the current talks on debt limits, or cuts or no cuts in budget….and it is becoming realized that the reason is he does not want to be on record with anything, he lets proxies do the dirty work, and that falls on Congress.  He damands written plans from the House and Senate, they comply, then he demands more, then he sees no plan can muster enough votes to pass so he sits musing over the situation and giving out his views that make no sense.  He refuses to accept no increase in the Federal Debt Ceiling as realistic, and we are now begining to understand why, he wants to spend more on stimulus which does not work, but that is his only tool to use he believes, spend spend spend.
What he is dong in my humble opinion is spinning anything to kick the problem down the road past his re-election bid for a second term, short of that he has no plan. He just sits there traveling around in his corporate jet, AF One, and playing golf. He pulls the strings of over 435 members of the US House of Representatives, and of course the best club in American the one hundred US Senators, and has effectively shut down America’s dialog.  His ideas, without a written plan with vague ideas of cuts in the future after he is to be in his second term are mentioned.  This is the man who is the leader of the Free World, while Europe is fretting and the global financial markets are targeting the US Treasury as in default already, that just seals the deal that he has a huge crisis and he loves it. The crisis it his, he owns it but we are told it is Congress and the prior Republican President George Bush who created the crisis?  He now talks of handling the debt situation himself. He is the only means to a solution, and what will that solution be.  We better be ready for “constitutional change”  because he probably is planning something big. Only a novel based on a mythical farce of a President could compete with reality. Why do we the people accept all of this?
Jim the Conservative

by Ken

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